Letitia James for Attorney General

Who could forget Letitia “Tish” James standing ground with us against the closing of Long Island College Hospital in Brooklyn, a closing that threatened the health and safety of thousands of Brooklyn residents? Her fight for the people of Brooklyn did not end there.

Tish James was out front, working for months to keep Interfaith Medical Center (IMC) open and for its full, fair, and continued funding. After all, IMC serves more than one million residents of Central Brooklyn, as the principal healthcare destination for residents of many underserved communities, including communities of color.

In the Bronx—the poorest congressional district in the nation—her staunch efforts to keep North Central Bronx as a viable facility for maternal care helped make the difference (see photo at top right). Today, women from those underserved communities have quality labor & delivery and other maternal health services.

We recall vividly the difference she made by refusing to allow a substandard for-profit dialysis company to take over clinics at New York City’s public hospitals? We kept jobs and quality dialysis care, in no small part due to Tish James’ extraordinary efforts.

Her attention to issues is constant. She uses the judicial system with mastery to protect New York City’s most vulnerable in her role as New York City Public Advocate.

Stand with unions

Since her election to New York City Council in 2004, Tish James has fought the good fight—for decent housing, against environmental harm, and against discrimination in its many forms—including wage discrimination. She has stood with us on safe staffing at every step. James has also been an advocate for paid family leave, invoking an understanding that this law promotes financial stability and sustains careers.

Tish James has shown her support for unions, most recently calling for a forum of labor leaders to discuss the ramifications of the Janus v. AFSCME case. Who could miss her at the rally against the Supreme Court’s Janus decision? She is a brilliant lawyer and defender of working people. Tish James for NYS Attorney General!

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