Nurses Call Out NewYork-Presbyterian Allen Hospital Decision to Close Midwifery Services

Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024
 Anna Sterling | | 646-673-0419
Kristi Barnes | | 646-853-4489


Nurses and Allies Demand Allen Hospital Reverse Decision to Terminate Vital Maternal Child Health Service

Closure Threatens Community Health, Would Likely Worsen Existing Health Inequities for Communities of Color

New York, N.Y.— Nurses from the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) along with community allies and elected officials including Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, New York State Senator Robert Jackson and City Council Member Carmen De La Rosa, united outside NewYork-Presbyterian (NYP) Allen Hospital to voice their opposition to the hospital’s recent announcement to end midwifery services there.

The midwives at NYP Allen are deeply rooted in the community and play a crucial role in providing quality care. The compassionate and holistic model of midwifery holds an important role in empowering patients and reducing maternal and infant mortality and morbidity rates—a crisis impacting not only the country, but the communities that rely on NYP Allen. Terminating these services will likely exacerbate the existing health disparities faced by the majority Black and brown birthing individuals who make up Inwood, Washington Heights and the Bronx.

A livestream of today's event can be found on NYSNA's Facebook page: Media outlets have permission to use all videos and pictures from NYSNA’s social media feeds with credit to NYSNA.

According to the hospital’s latest announcement, the termination of services would be effective March 3. Nurses say that despite this short timeframe, there has been no clear plan given about the future of their vital community health work, or the status of care for the patients who rely on midwifery there.

NYSNA is urging NewYork-Presbyterian to immediately reconsider its decision and maintain the midwifery services at Allen Hospital. 

NYSNA President Nancy Hagans, RN, BSN, CCRN, said: “NewYork-Presbyterian's decision to shutter midwifery services at Allen Hospital is not just a blow to healthcare; it's a blow to the heart of our community. We won't stand idly by as they compromise the care that these patients deserve. We demand that NYP prioritize the health and equity of our community by keeping these invaluable midwifery services intact."

Ingrid Deler-Garcia, RN, LN, CNM, at NYP Allen Hospital, said: "As a midwife at Allen Hospital, I've witnessed the huge impact this type of care has on the community. The closure of our services jeopardizes patient safety and exacerbates existing challenges. Let's unite to reverse this decision, safeguard lives, and prioritize the well-being of the women and families we serve."


The New York State Nurses Association is a union of 42,000 frontline nurses united together for strength at work, our practice, safe staffing, and healthcare for all. We are New York's largest union and professional association for registered nurses.