Another NYC Contract Win

Extensive bargaining, informational pickets and a one-day strike laid the foundation for a contract settlement for 90 RNs at Manhattan’s Terence Cardinal Cooke (TCC) Health Center on September 3. Highlights include annual raises (including 9 months retroactive pay), a $2,000 bonus, preservation of health and pension benefits, and hiring of additional staff to address short staffing.
A big boost
As part of the overall settlement, TCC agreed to reinstate Monette Cuello, RN, a 10-year veteran of TCC’s AIDS Unit. “We had a long, hard fight, but won a fair contract. It was worth the struggle,” she said.
NYSNA received a big boost with the help and support of the NYC Central Labor Council and its President, Vinnie Alvarez. Nurses were grateful for the help and assistance.