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Our campaigns are powered by frontline nurses. Here are tools for you to get informed and make a difference. When nurses speak, the public, press, and lawmakers listen. When we speak with one voice, we can make the changes that our patients need.

Safe Staffing

Safe, quality care depends on enough nurses and frontline caregivers to do the job. That’s why NYSNA fights for safe staffing on every unit in every healthcare facility in the state.

Healthcare for All

NYSNA's mission is to care for all New Yorkers. We believe that healthcare is a right — and that everyone should have access to care based on need, not the ability to pay for it.

Save Healthcare Services

Nurses are fighting to stop employers from cutting essential healthcare services in their communities.

Defend Public Hospitals

New York state’s public hospitals care for all New Yorkers, and they are the frontline of our defense against infectious diseases, like COVID-19. It’s RNs mission to take care of all patients.

Political Action

NYSNA advocates for laws that set safe staffing standards, protect nurses and our patients, and guarantee healthcare for all. The future of New York healthcare is at stake.

Strong RN Standards

In facilities across New York State, NYSNA members have come together and won contracts that set safe staffing ratios, quality care conditions, and professional pay and benefits.

Health Equity and Social Justice

Nurses’ advocacy for our profession, patients, and communities are interconnected. NYNSA members advocate for social, racial and economic justice because these struggles are inseparable from our fight for quality care for all patients. When union nurses come together, we can use our skills, our voices and our power to address the root causes of the problems our communities face.

Union Solidarity

NYSNA nurses recognize we are part of the wider labor movement and mobilize in solidarity with workers across industries fighting for their rights and dignity at work.

Latest Campaign Actions

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Tell Albany: Invest in NY Healthcare!

Take Action
More nurses means better care, but New York's broken healthcare system has created a staffing crisis in hospitals and nursing homes. Tell Albany to listen to the nurses and invest in New York healthcare!