A great benefit for NYSNA Members: Union Assistance Program

Downloads/Program Updates
- Watch this Member Orientation Video to learn more about your UAP and how to access benefits.
- Read the latest UAP newsletter.
During these very difficult days, we remind you of this valuable benefit and that it is available to you and your immediate family members. We’re pleased to announce a new benefit available to all members of the New York State Nurses Association — the Union Assistance Program (UAP). UAP offers NYNSA Members two unique benefits:
Unlimited Telephonic Counseling
Counseling is available for you and your family from Masters and PhD level counselors at no cost. No matter what the issue — i.e. dealing with stress, relationship issues, job difficulties, a financial problem or balancing your life at home and on the job — you can call the Member Assistance Program for help; dial 800-252-4555. Counselors are available 24/7.
Online Resource Center: 25,000 Self-Help Resources
You can logon to the Member Assistance Program self-help resource center to access more than 25,000 articles, videos, and tools to help with virtually any issue you are facing. Just go to www.UnionAP.com.
- Click Employee and Family Login
- Click on Register Here
- Enter your union: NYSNA and click Continue
- Select the NYSNA Union button and click Continue
- Complete the Registration Form, create your own User Name and Password, then click Continue. You only need to register once.
Resource Topics include:
- Coronavirus
- Wellness
- Adoption & Childcare
- Loss and Grief
- Stress
- Financial Planning
- Elder Care & Childcare Locators
- Family Violence
- Divorce
- Work-Life Balance
- Mental Health
- Wills
- Legal Issues
Click HERE for the NYSNA Member Assistance Program brochure.
For more information, download this fact sheet, which includes contact information.