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At the March 26, 2013 Board of Directors meeting, our board:

  • Reviewed the implementation of the steward training and the train-the-trainer program. We approved dates for the first Train-the-Trainer program: April 1-2 and April 8-9.
  • Passed a resolution to have the facility representatives included in the steward training program.
  • Approved the budget for the Fiscal Year of 2014.
  • Approved the financial framework to purchase the additional floor on 131 W 33rd. St.
  • Discussed the safe staffing campaign. We reviewed plans for the lobby day on April 16 and the May 21 Safe Staffing Day of Action. We discussed plans to increase legislative support and possible roadblocks in the legislature.
  • Approved a plan to revamp NYSNA’s website and gave feedback on proposed mockups of the new site.
  • Discussed the importance of nursing practice and strategized new approaches to increase member access and involvement with this critical resource.
  • Passed a resolution naming Colleen Murphy as Chairperson of the Council of Nursing Practice.
  • Approved the convention schedule, Oct. 16 – 18 in New York City.
  • Discussed NYSNA’s arbitration policy, and passed a motion to maintain the current appeals process until further review.


At the February 26, 2013 Board of Directors meeting, our board:

  • Discussed the report of our Executive Director on the upcoming issues at Long Island College Hospital, Potsdam Medical Center, Olean Medical Center and the HHC contract campaign.
  • Were led through an orientation of the roles and responsibilities of our Board of Directors, led by Anne Bové.
  • Reconstituted the Transition Task Force, and passed a resolution tasking the Transition Task Force to review NYSNA’s structure and bylaws, and bring recommendations to the May and June meetings.
  • Discussed plans for the upcoming NYSNA convention in October in New York City, including workshops, main sessions on the corporate attack on patient care, and a massive action to support HHC nurses.
  • Passed a resolution to have NYSNA transfer an additional $45,000 to the NYSNA Disaster Relief Fund.


At the January 22, 2013 Board of Directors meeting, our board:

  • Discussed New York’s healthcare crisis, and the forces driving that crisis: the corporatization of patient care, the growth of hospital empires, and the push for a forprofit takeover of patient care. We discussed the negative impact these trends are having on our public and safety net hospitals. This discussion provides our framework for the changes we are making in NYSNA and steps we are taking as a Board to defend nursing practice and patient care.
  • Passed a resolution to have NYSNA donate $10,000 to the Labor for Single Payer campaign.
  • Discussed a plan to train hundreds of NYSNA members this year through a steward program.
  • Passed a resolution to have NYSNA purchase the second floor at 131 W 33rd St. building.
  • Passed a resolution in support of a campaign for fairness and healthcare justice at HHC: including a video highlighting the role of HHC nurses in defining nursing practice; a series of CE classes; and a public sector conference.
  • Approved the upcoming Board of Directors meeting schedule for 2013.