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Pre-K push

Free, quality pre-K for every kid in New York City would help millions of working families like ours. Mayor de Blasio campaigned on this and is pushing Albany to approve a modest tax increase on the city’s richest, those who make more than $500,000 a year, to provide secure funding for it. NYSNA supports this fight.

RNs plan 2014 campaigns

NYSNA RNs gathered at inter-regional meetings in January to discuss our campaigns for quality patient care, safe staffing, and strong contracts. Members talked about ways to build strength at work and how to get fellow nurses involved. Here, the Capital District meeting in session.

Samaritan RNs defend their contract

When management tried violating the scheduling rules set out in their contract, nurses in the OR at Samaritan Medical Center in Watertown, N.Y. brought the issue up the hospital chain, and won. Knowing the contract and uniting to enforce it is how RNs build power on the job and protect patients.

Philippine relief continues

In January, Ireneo Jore, RN at Mt. Sinai, volunteered in Roxas City, Philippines, his hometown and one of the areas hit hardest by Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda. Five of Ireneo’s 10 siblings and their families live in Roxas. Amazingly, no one in his family was hurt. “I am glad to be part of this opportunity,” said Ireneo of his work with RNRN, which sends nurse volunteers to disaster-stricken areas, “to help the victims of this horrific calamity in my hometown.”

Carthage RNs win support

RNs at Carthage Area Hospital in upstate New York have 1199SEIU’s backing in the fight to protect patient care. “We support Carthage Area Hospital RNs,” said 1199, “in their campaign to retain skilled nurses to provide quality care for our community.”

Safe staffing for mothers and babies

RNs from the Mother/Baby Unit at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt attended a staffing grievance hearing, and others signed a petition, calling for safe staffing “for our littlest patients.”

Victory for NYC dialysis patients

On Jan. 30, NYC patients had a big win for quality public healthcare when the pending sale of chronic dialysis services at HHC’s Harlem, Lincoln, Metropolitan, and Kings County hospitals to a for-profit corporation failed to pass review by a NYS DOH committee.

Bullies back off in Erie County

The 800 RNs of Erie County Medical Center united with CSEA caregivers to stop management bullying. And our petition and town hall meeting got results: The hospital modified some of its flu restrictions to address front-line caregivers’ concerns.

Bellevue to Bellevue welcome

RNs from Bellevue Hospital in New York City and Anne Bové, president of our HHC/Mayorals Executive Council and herself an RN at Bellevue, sent a welcome plaque to RNs at the Bellevue Woman’s Center near Schenectady after their overwhelming vote to join NYSNA in December.

Victory at Mt. Sinai

When management at Mt. Sinai announced plans last fall to move the Cardiac Pediatric ICU to the Pediatric ICU, NYSNA nurses got active to protect patient care – and prevailed. After meeting with management, filing a grievance, and filing POAs, the hospital has agreed to hire seven new RNs and to bring on two nurse educators.

Court victory at Westchester Medical Center

RNs at Westchester Medical Center beat back an attack on contract rights when a judge ruled in January that the hospital’s CEO and Board of Directors had overstepped their authority by creating an internal civil service commission last year. That was a threat to our job descriptions and bargaining unit.