Honoring Our Own Champions

NYSNA members steadfastly care for the people of our state every day. Many go beyond the call of duty to give even more of their time and themselves to advocating for patients, helping communities in need, fighting for healthcare for all, and standing up for nurses’ rights. At the convention in October, we gave special honor to some of our own heroes. NYSNA First Vice President (and former president) Patricia DiLillo, RN, (left) presented the awards.
Honorary Recognition
The highest level of recognition granted by NYSNA
Sal Barcia, Hurricane Sandy relief worker
Herman Benson, Founder, Association for Union Democracy
Judy Wessler, Commission on the Public’s Health System
Pat Holloman, RN, NYSNA visionary
Sandy Award
Bellevue Hospital Center
Coler-Goldwater Specialty Hospital and Nursing Facility
Coney Island Hospital
Open for Care Award
Ari Moma, RN
Charmayne Saddler-Walker, RN
Award for Patient Advocacy in the Public Eye
Mary Fitzgerald, RN
Julie Semente, RN
Safe Staffing Superstar
Lisa Blodgett, RN
Union Advocate Award
Tracy Kosciuk, RN
Community and Patient Advocacy Award
Alberta Alexandre, RN
Tough as Nails Award
Kris Powell, RN
No One Is Turned Away Award
Sangra Fogarty, RN
Joanne Turner, RN
NYSNA Defender Award
Jalisa Saud, RN
Nursing Education Award
Nadine Sanders, RN
Daphne Bramble, RN
Nursing Practice Award
Carole Powell, RN
Teresa Edgerton, RN
NYSNA Builder Award
Nancy D’Leema, RN