New York State Nurses Association financial position
The Board of Directors of the New York State Nurses Association met on November 19, 2013 and included on the agenda was a regular review of all matters pertaining to our financial condition. We are pleased to report that the Association’s financial status remains extremely sound. NYSNA is continuing to perform in a strong fashion, with considerable assets and planning and oversight measures firmly in place.
Here are some pertinent details: Assets have increased to $55 million as a result of the recent purchase of combined office and meeting space in New York City. Investments and reserves continue to increase as well. The Protected Action Fund doubled in size during this fiscal year. Revenue is reported at $40 million annually, a reflection of expanding membership. As of October 2013, NYSNA’s budget performance is $575,000 below projections.
Under the authority and with the vision of the Board of Directors, the Association continues to invest in our strategic campaigns related to safe staffing, member mobilization, countering corporate healthcare, and fighting privatization.