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‘Everybody In - Nobody Out!’

Chanting “Everybody in - Nobody out,” NYSNA nurses joined doctors and patients to call on Albany to pass a law guaranteeing healthcare for all New Yorkers.

‘Patients are commodified,’ NYSNA President warns

On the periphery of NYC's Union Square this week, a meeting convened by Physicians for a National Health Program, dubbed "Labor and the ACA: Problems, Threats, and the Road Forward," filled the conference room with committed advocates of single payer – students, MDs, public health experts, union

RNs Protest Health Inequality in NY

Following the 43rd Annual Legislative Conference sponsored by the NY State Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators, NYSNA RNs gathered in Albany on February 15th to protest healthcare inequalities that are rampant throughout the state, and especially affect poor Blacks and Latinos.

3/26: Safe Staffing Day of Action

On March 26, NYSNA RNs are going to Albany to tell our lawmakers to pass safe nurse-to-patient ratios. 

WHERE: Buses will be leaving from NYSNA facilities from across the state to take members to Albany.

WHEN: March 26, Various times of departure 

Wall Street's Plan to Take Over Our Healthcare

Wall Street and private equity firms plan to take over healthcare through a series of tactics including changing the regulatory structure, promoting a private insurance model and lobbying for the introduction of for-profit healthcare facilities to enter the New York market.
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