The Republican leadership of the Senate, after working in complete secrecy for more than a month, has finally released its version of legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.
When word came down in February of a “Health Care Regulation Modernization Team,” a measure that could threaten our Scope of Practice and undercut quality patient care, sirens went off.
We can be proud of our work to elect candidates committed to our agenda of equal access to quality care and to all facets of life that keep our communities healthy, safe, and vital. A strong majority of candidates we endorsed in New York State won their races.
The candidates endorsed by NYSNA in the 2016 State Assembly and Senate elections have taken stands on a wide range of issues and key priorities that affect NYSNA nurses and New Yorkers’ access to high quality health care services.
The state legislature ended the 2016 session in the early morning hours of June 19, and we saw some significant victories for nurses and patients in the legislation that passed: