NYSNA and 1199SEIU unite against workplace violence

Following an incident in 2015 when a nurse was seriously injured by a violent patient, St. Joseph’s management agreed that structural changes were needed, but never followed through to implement.
Then it happened again. This past June, when another nurse was attacked and also suffered serious injuries, ED staff said, “No more!” “We immediately mobilized the hospital’s NYSNA nurses and contacted 1199SEIU caregivers and support staff,” said Jenmarie Byrnes, RN and LBU President.
Within 24 hours, the unions launched a joint ‘Protect Our Staff’ campaign. NYSNA and 1199SEIU members walked the floors and visited every unit, distributing armbands and stickers to show that St. Joseph workers were united in their commitment to a safe workplace.
“The response from management was remarkable. Ron Steimel, CAO, is committed to making improvements, said Ms. Byrnes. Within 48 hours of the attack, a wall in the triage area that had blocked an escape route was removed. The unions have since held joint meetings with management to identify ways to make the facility safer for workers and patients.
By standing together, talk has turned to action. Administration purchased panic alarm pendants for triage staff, and agreed to install additional security cameras, increase hospital security staff, improve the access control security system, and conduct staff education.
“When NYSNA and 1199SEIU came together on this issue, we got rapid and effective results. We will continue to meet, and work together, with Administration to make St Joseph safe, said Ms. Byrnes.