NYSNA: Caring for ALL New Yorkers.
The contract win for HHC/Mayoral members is one of the most significant I have known in my 30-year career with healthcare unions. The contract terms entail a substantial wage increase, retro payments and a solid benefit package; there are no givebacks. And there are two new funds in which you, the members, have the say in its formation and direction. It is truly a landmark contract.
Your support and the input from each and every facility and unit in the HHC/Mayorals made this contract a reality.
For those of us carrying out the negotiations, the bargaining team coordination, perseverance and focus were at the highest professional level. Our team’s total commitment to this contract was demonstrated throughout the process. This coordinated bargaining effort, in which I participated, was outstanding and I am very proud of the team's work.
For this effort, and others – in NYC’s private sector bargaining preparation, new efforts with all RNs in the Capital Region, a new push for single payer in Albany and our continued attention to safe staffing, I can only say that NYSNA has taken on a leading role in the protection of healthcare quality standards and the extension of care to all New Yorkers.
NYSNA: Caring for ALL New Yorkers.
Jill Furillo, RN
Executive Director