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Contact: Kristi Barnes | | 646.853.4489

Nurses Joined by Elected Officials, Community, Labor and Religious Leaders to Demand Safe Staffing and Respect at Northwell
LIJ Valley Stream Hospital

Valley Stream, NY — During the COVID-19 surge, nurses were working under incredibly stressful and hazardous conditions. Due to the influx of coronavirus patients and nurses getting sick, staffing in the ICU and the Emergency Department was dangerously low, leading to concerns for quality patient care. Nurses want to make sure that never happens again.

NYSNA nurses are speaking out for safe staffing and quality patient care for the Valley Stream community. The Valley Stream community was hard hit by COVID-19, including 44 nurses who fell ill with the coronavirus. Healthcare workers and community leaders are coming together in front of the hospital to show support for the nurses at LIJ Valley Stream and to give blessings to the one nurse who is still in the ICU battling COVID-19.

Although Northwell Health has filled the halls of LIJ Valley Stream hospital with posters and slogans celebrating nurses’ heroism, Northwell has left the Valley Stream nurses without a contract that guarantees safe staffing. Northwell Administration has pointed to “demographics” as the reason that safe staffing and upgrades to the facility to improve patient safety cannot be made. Nurses and their supporters are speaking out for healthcare justice to say our diverse community deserves equitable care and our COVID nurse heroes deserve respect.

WHAT: Speak out for safe staffing
WHO: Nurses of the New York State Nurses Association, other healthcare professionals, elected leaders including Assembly Member Michaelle Solages and Assembly Member Taylor Darling, Long Island Federation of Labor President Roger Clayman, LIJ Valley Stream Chaplain Arturo Trew, and more.  
WHEN: TODAY, August 12 at 12:00 PM
WHERE: LIJ Valley Stream Hospital, 900 Franklin Ave., Valley Stream, NY 11580

VISUALS: As nurses, we will practice social distancing and take proper safety precautions during this event. Members who are immunocompromised, over 60, or pregnant should stay home. All attendees must practice strict social distancing and wear proper PPE.


The New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) represents more than 42,000 members in New York State. We are New York’s largest union and professional association for registered nurses. For more information, please visit