Unleashing the Defense Production Act

“Why is it that during wartime, our country can mobilize, essentially overnight, to mass produce weapons, ammunition, guns, bullets?” asked Rachel Larkin, a nurse and NYSNA member from Erie County Medical Center. “But during a time when we need to step up and protect our own citizens, we have waited months to even begin to mobilize to produce adequate PPE and ventilators and testing kit supplies?”
Larkin made those comments to the Buffalo News, during a speak out on Thursday April 2. The event was part of NYSNA’s statewide campaign to push the Trump administration to get PPE and other equipment desperately needed to the frontlines.
Victoria Lanquah, an RN and NYSNA member at Montefiore Medical Center shared similar sentiments at a press conference the same day, “We are demanding [President Trump] invoke the Defense Production Act so that all of our factories can be spinning out PPE for us.”
Nurses Organize, Politicians Listen
For weeks, NYSNA members have been calling on President Trump to use the full force of the Defense Production Act, a law originally passed in 1950, in response to the Korean War. This law gives the President extraordinary power to organize and oversee production and distribution of essential materials during national emergencies.
Our message is starting to break through.
On Thursday, April 2, President Trump issued an executive order to commandeer the current stockpile of N95 respirators held by 3M, the nation’s biggest manufacturer. That same day, New Jersey Governor Murphy ordered state troopers to commandeer medical supplies and equipment stockpiled in businesses around the state.
On Tuesday, April 7, Governor Cuomo issued an executive order that gives him the authority to collect PPE from all private sector businesses, including industries such as construction, ship building, and manufacturing. Now we need to use that authority!
United We Stand
NYSNA’s campaign is getting a boost from our allies in the labor movement. For example, NYSNA members in Buffalo worked together with nurses at Kaleida Health Systems, members of Communications Workers of America, Local 1168, along with other labor allies, to organize their recent speak out.
And we are also getting a boost from elected officials. Congresswoman Grace Meng is spearheading a letter from almost the entire New York Congressional delegation to utilize the full force of the Defense Production Act.
As this pandemic progresses, it will be even more important that NYSNA members speak up, and let the world know what we need to keep our patients, and ourselves, safe.
(At left) Foluke Fashakin, a nurse and NYSNA member at Harlem Hospital speaks out about critical PPE shortages.
(Below) On April 7 Governor Cuomo issued an executive order giving him the power to collect PPE from all New York businesses. (at bottom) Congresswoman Grace Meng has spearheaded a letter from New York’s Congressional delegation demanding President Trump use the full force of the Defense Production Act. Thanks to Senators Schumer and Gillabrand as well as the 17 New York Representatives who signed on.