Tribute to a Nurse Hero from LICH ICU RNs
April 15, 2014
Anne M. Evans, RN and LICH ICU nurses Miriam Jewa, Joan Rowley, Julie Semente, and Nancy Andersen, with the Easter bonnets she made for them.
Last Saturday, LICH said goodbye to our friend and colleague, NYSNA member Anne Evans. She was a registered nurse for over 40 years and practiced in the OR, ER, Psychiatry, and the ICU, where she was our mentor and teacher. Anne was a kind person, generous person, a loyal friend, and a compassionate and skilled nurse. She touched the lives of her patients and taught countless nurses and doctors in her career in direct patient care. LICH staff, her family and friends gathered to share our memories of Anne with laughter and tears. At the same time, we also had the chance to remember her best friend, Kathy Buero Howard, another NYSNA member and LICH ICU nurse whom we lost several years ago. In life, they were always up to something and kept us laughing. Depending on the day, they could be Thelma and Louise or Lucy and Ethel. Over 20 years at LICH, they made work fun while also being mentors for so many of us, and taught us to see the patient as a person beneath all the monitors and tubes. Now they are together again, no doubt planning Heaven's best Easter parade! LICH and a whole generation of nurses, interns and residents were made all the better because of these two women.
Anne retired from LICH a short time ago, after an assault by a patient made it impossible for her to continue working in direct care. We are all saddened by her loss. We will miss her greatly and will never forget our dear friend.