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On Wednesday, October 27, NYSNA members, staff, and invited guests joined our NYSNA 2021 Delegate Convention. This was our first hybrid convention, which allowed hundreds of members across the state to gather safely and engage remotely.

Together, we were able to look back on the victories and the challenges of the past year. Delegates voted on important resolutions to lead the trajectory of NYSNA for the next year, including safe staffing, prioritizing policies to address healthcare workers’ mental health needs, fighting against CBA violations during the pandemic, among others. More information on these resolutions can be found on the virtual convention page of NYSNA’s website. Although Delegates did not have time to get through the full business agenda, the Board will now take up the remaining resolutions as part of the strategic planning process. We thank attendees, both in person and remotely for their engagement, constructive debate and discussion, and for demonstrating what democracy in action looks like.

Participants should check their e-mail for our post-convention survey and information on how to get their education credits. If you missed out on the convention, enjoy the full Together We Rise Year in Review video on YouTube, our Facebook album on the Convention, as well as our social media wall. More highlights and videos will be posted.

If you missed any of the convention workshops, check out NYSNA’s Labor Education page to register for upcoming training sessions. This is our union, and together, we rise!