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While we still have a lot of work to do to make Single Payer a reality in New York State through the passage of the New York Health Act (NYHA), NYSNA has been working hard to achieve our goal. Here is a summary of our most recent work and achievements:

  • NYSNA designed a Continuing Education (CE) program to educate our members about Single Payer Healthcare, and our role as nurse advocates
  • Attended the ‘Labor for Single Payer’ convening in Baltimore in Spring 2023
  • At lobby day in May 2023, we lobbied our legislators about the importance of HC reform and establishing a system of guaranteed healthcare for all
  • The NYSNA-supported advocacy organization, the Campaign for New York Health (CNYH), hired a new Executive Director who met with the NYSNA single-payer committee and is excited to continue strengthening the coalition
  • We were part of the NNU Medicare for All relaunch in Washington, DC with Medicare for All champion, US Senator Bernie SandersWe participated in the CNYH daylong strategy convening with the new Executive Director and several coalition partners
  • We sponsored a successful fundraiser with the CNYH to support the grassroots and legislative statewide effort to pass the NYHA
  • NYSNA and the CNYH held a successful press event with legislators and labor allies like CIR/SEIU to reintroduce the new bill in July 2023
  • We marched and flyered at the Pride and Labor Day parades where NYSNA members spoke to other rank-and-file union members about the NYHA
  • We launched our newsletter – which will be a way to educate, spread the word,
    and bring our members into the movement.

NYSNA’s Single Payer Healthcare Committee

  • Margaret Franks,RN Chair
  • Tonia Bazel, RN Secretary
  • Vicki Davis-Courson, RN
  • Denise Griffin, RN
  • Nancy Hagans, RN, BSN, CCRN NYSNA President
  • Michelle Jones, NP
  • Mary Madden, NPPeter Pacheco, RN
  • Bill Schneider, RN
  • Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez, RN
  • Marva Wade, RN
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All patients deserve high-quality, affordable healthcare. That's why NYSNA supports a universal, single-payer Medicare for All system at the state and federal level. Sign up for the Healthcare for All Action Team to receive campaign updates and ways to take action!