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Tracey Kavanaugh at Podium


NYSNA has joined forces with Queens Stands Together, a coalition of communities taking action against bigotry, hatred and xenophobia. It is fitting that these communities should be speaking out in Queens, one of the most diverse counties in the world. With immigrant groups from every corner of the globe, a majority of Queens’s residents speak a primary language other than English.

With the number of hate groups and cases of hateful harassment and intimidation on the rise in the United States, doubling the last year in New York City alone, NYSNA believes that it is more important than ever to band together with vulnerable populations to ensure safe communities for all New Yorkers.

SJCR members are also working with Queens Stands Together and other Queens community groups to inform communities about the role of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in helping to provide access to high quality healthcare for Queens’s residents. We are stressing that any national healthcare reform must focus on improving access to care, decreasing costs, and improve quality of care.