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HHC Nurses to speak out for quality patient care

On Wednesday, HHC nurses are speaking out for public hospitals and quality patient care. 
No one is ever turned away from NYC’s HHC hospitals – regardless of income, immigration status, or ability to pay.
Our HHC system is powered by th

Tribute to a Nurse Hero from LICH ICU RNs

Anne M. Evans, RN and LICH ICU nurses Miriam Jewa, Joan Rowley, Julie Semente, and Nancy Andersen, with the Easter bonnets she made for them.
Last Saturday, LICH said goodbye to our friend and colleague, NYSNA member Anne Evans.

NYSNA Attends Labor Notes Conference in Chicago

Last weekend, more than 70 NYSNA nurses traveled to Chicago to join with fellow union members from across the country to share ideas and learn new skills so that we can win more for our patients. 

NYSNA Joins Robin Hood Tax Rally on Friday, April 4

On Friday, NYSNA nurses rallied with community activists and fellow RNs in support of the Robin Hood Tax in both Chicago and NYC. Nurses united to call for Wall Street to pay their fair share in order to stop the tide of growing inequality and support struggling hospitals and quality healthc

Win For HHC Dialysis Patients!

The state removed the application of Big Apple Dialysis Management, LLC from the agenda of the scheduled March 27 meeting of the NYS Department of Health’s Public Health and Health Planning Council, due to efforts by the administration of Mayor Bil

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