Nurses stand strong against gun violence

NYSNA nurses descended on Washington DC on August 27 to call for an end to the public health crisis created by gun violence. Nurses also created a touching video with firsthand accounts of caring for gun violence victims.
Many nurses have been personally impacted by gun violence and have experienced the devastating impacts firsthand. Judith Cuthchin, RN at Woodhull Medical Center tragically lost her daughter to gun violence in July of 2013.
Too often and too close to home
“It’s very heartbreaking to receive a call that your child has been murdered,” said Ms. Cuthchin. Nurses should get involved in fighting against gun violence because there are so many tragedies that happen to young people.
Culean Duncan Britton, RN, Kings County Hospital Center explained what it was like for Brooklyn nurses to care for trauma victims in their own community, “We have a red phone that rings when there’s a trauma coming in. It’s usually a gunshot wound. And all of our hearts drop thinking that it could be our son, our brother, our nephews, any kind of family member coming through that door.”
Visit NYSNA’s Facebook page to watch the full video and share with your friends.