NYSNA honors 9/11 heroes

NYSNA nurses and other frontline caregivers worked around the clock to care for victims of 9/11. On September 7, NYSNA issued a proclamation commemorating the 15-year anniversary of that terrible tragedy:
“Today…we remember the terrible loss and continue to honor first responders for their extraordinary bravery. We remember our roles in the frenzy of the many injured, providing care and comfort.”
Anne Bové, RN, NYSNA Secretary and President of NYSNA’s H + H/Mayorals Executive Council recalls the key role that public hospital nurses played in responding to the crisis.
“Everybody went to work that day, putting aside our own fears and grief to care for the victims. We all knew someone who had passed away and yet we did what we could to help the living. We had nurses who trekked for three hours in from New Jersey to care for patients, as others were trying to flee the city.”
Ms. Bové explained that because of its height and location, Bellevue had views of the towers. “In the ICU and other units we would draw the shades so the patients didn’t have to see what was happening.”
The aftermath of 9/11 showed the heroism of New Yorkers. Ms. Bové said that more than 500 people came to Bellevue to donate blood in the days following the terrorist attack.

Frank Bové, father of Anne Bové, RN, admiring his work on the World Trade Center.
World Trade Center history
The World Trade Center was of particular importance to Ms. Bové as her father, after fighting in the 3rd infantry in World War II, became a sheet metal worker and helped to build the twin towers. “He put his name inside one of the railings before turning the metal over and said when this building becomes ruined in thousands of years, maybe they’ll see my name.”
Tunnel to Towers
In honor of the sacrifices made by 9/11 first responders, NYSNA has contributed to the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation. NYSNA previously made a contributed to Tunnel to Towers to assist the families of the slain police officers in Dallas.
Thank you to all the nurses who saved lives on 9/11 and to all who have donated to the funds for first responders.